Tuesday, September 23, 2008

North Pole

Have you ever had one of those days when you really don't want to go to work? Well, I had one of those days today. I have come down with some sort of cold that has made me almost lose my voice (great considering I talk about 90% of my day). Anyway, I was having one of those days. I walked down to the gym to meet my class for the morning meeting and immediately noticed that one little boy had his hand raised. Great, I think, here begins a whole days worth of talking! I bend down and kindly ask the child what he needs. Let's just say that here is what I got from him:

"I'm not gonna be here tomorrow."

"Really, why?" I say.

"I'm going to the North Pole." His finger shoots up in the air at the mention of the North Pole, as if it's somewhere in the rafters of the gym.

Now, that is why my "I don't want to go to work days" never last too long! Children can bring a smile even when it seems to be buried. :)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Inside an Apple

Every year when we study about Johnny Appleseed we read a story called The Little Red House. Check out the story here : http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/storyapple.htm . Well, this has quickly become one of my favorite lessons of the year because of the reaction from the kiddos. For the 2-3 minutes it takes me to read the story the children are completely quiet. Someone walking past our classroom during this time might wonder if class is even in session; I mean there is not a noise (which is strange for five year olds). When it comes time to cut the apple and I look out at those little ones just waiting and watching, I get chills! The revealing of the "star" inside the apple is something that can't really be put into words. The ooo's and ah's last for a while and some students even offer a hardy round of applause! That is the joy of children, they are so excited about the "little things", but is the fact that the seeds of an apple make a perfect star really a "little thing"? I don't really think so. I just hope and pray that I can be as in aww of the "little things" as the five year olds in my classroom!