Tuesday, September 23, 2008

North Pole

Have you ever had one of those days when you really don't want to go to work? Well, I had one of those days today. I have come down with some sort of cold that has made me almost lose my voice (great considering I talk about 90% of my day). Anyway, I was having one of those days. I walked down to the gym to meet my class for the morning meeting and immediately noticed that one little boy had his hand raised. Great, I think, here begins a whole days worth of talking! I bend down and kindly ask the child what he needs. Let's just say that here is what I got from him:

"I'm not gonna be here tomorrow."

"Really, why?" I say.

"I'm going to the North Pole." His finger shoots up in the air at the mention of the North Pole, as if it's somewhere in the rafters of the gym.

Now, that is why my "I don't want to go to work days" never last too long! Children can bring a smile even when it seems to be buried. :)

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